In this issue:
Tipcorner: Maintaining checkbox states
Recently Observed: Tidbits gathered from the online community
News from Online: Liberty Basic 4 - Update from Carl
News Flash: New Alternate Forum Now Available
Resources Online: Using the Tsunami Database, by Colin McMurchie
Demo: Wizard Framework, by Brad Moore
Demo: Gordon Sweet presents Links to LB Sites
Contests: Update on 10th Anniversary Contest
Article: Extracting Icons And Saving Them As Bitmaps by
Alyce Watson
Article: Beginning Study Kit for Applying Symbolic Logic
by Bob Kenyon (AKA "lodgpole")
Demo : QuadClicks, by Bill Jennings
Article: Simple Math For Moving Objects, by Tom Nally
Article: Event Driven Programming - Part 2, by Brad Moore
Article: The Beginners Series - Part 1, by Brad Moore
SyntaxError: Some words from the editor
The Liberty BASIC Newsletter encourages all LB programmers to submit articles for publication. Everyone has something valuable to say, from beginners to veteran LBers. Consider sharing a code routine, with explanation. Perhaps you can review a favorite LB website, or program, or coding tool? Why not submit a list of questions that have been nagging at you? How about sharing your favorite algorithm?
The Publishing Team:
Alyce Watson:
Brad Moore:
Tom Nally:
Carl Gundel:
Bill Jennings:
This newsletter was produced with WikiWriter
Maintaining checkbox states
Tidbits from the community
Liberty Basic 4
New Alternate Forum
Using the Tsunami Database
Wizard Framework
Links to LB Sites
Update on 10th Anniversary Contest
Extracting Icons And Saving Them As Bitmaps
Applying Symbolic Logic
Simple Math For Moving Objects
Event Driven Programming - Part 2
The Beginners Series - Part 1