Liberty Basic is develeopped by Carl Gundel
Original Newsletter compiled by Alyce Watson and Brosco
Translation to HTML: Raymond Roumeas

The Liberty Basic Newsletter - Issue #33 - APR 99

"Knowledge is a gift we receive from others." - Michael T. Rankin

In This Issue:

In Future Issues:


copyright (c) 1999

Part 1 - Basic principals of disk file handling

Part 2 - LB native disk file commands

This series of articles is intended to provide you with a broad understanding of disk file handling techniques in Liberty Basic. There are many ways to achieve this, and the method you employ depends on what you need to do. It is not the intention of these articles to provide you with ready-made code you can cut and paste directly into your programs. Rather, the concentration will be on the concepts behind disk file handling with short examples given.

Note: the statements DefaultDir$, Drive$, FILEDIALOG, FILES, KILL, MKDIR, NAME and RMDIR are not covered in these articles.

 Part 1 - Basic Principles of Disk File Handling

 There are three main types of files: Sequential, Random Access and Binary.

Sequential files contain data that must be read from the start to the finish every time. These files typically contain text information stored line-by-line. The whole file is read into variables every time it is used. The data is updated in memory then the entire file is written back to the disk. Sequential files are great when the amount of data is limited and/or only its order is important.

In Random Access files, individual records of data are read into the computer's memory, with usually only one record being operated on at a time. Random files can be very large, much larger than the memory capacity of the computer. Data can be read from or written to any spot in the file at any time. Random files are the 'backbone' of most database applications and are essential when sharing files in network situations.

A third type of file is a Binary file. In this type, the file may or may not have a particular record structure like a Random file and/or it may or may not be sequential. Executable programs are Binary files. Liberty Basic only has limited Binary file handling capability. However, Binary files can be accessed via API and Deanslib functions.

A typical file procedure is:

Open the file
perform work on it
Close the file

It is a good idea not to keep files open any longer than necessary. Try not to open a file at the start of your program and leave it open until the program finishes. This is especially important when sharing files on networks. And remember: there are *always exceptions* to any rule anyone puts up.

Part 2 - LB Disk File Commands

Liberty Basic has a range of builtin or 'native' disk file commands for dealing with both sequential and random access files. The statements are OPEN, CLOSE#, INPUT#, LINE INPUT#, PRINT#, INPUT$(), FIELD#, GET#, and PUT#. 


In a typical Sequential file, data is stored in a particular order but the length of each line can vary. In LB, a sequential file is opened either for Input or Output:

This opens a sequential file for reading:

OPEN "filename" FOR INPUT AS #lbfilehandle

And this opens a file for writing:

OPEN "filename" FOR OUTPUT AS #lbfilehandle

"filename" is the name of your file. It can be up to 8 characters long followed by a full stop, then an optional three-character extension. While Dos permits other symbols, it is safest to stick to letters, numbers, the dash (-) and the underscore (_) symbols. Many punctuation symbols are interpreted by Dos as having special functions -- i.e. *, / \ ? ~ and so forth. The case of filename letters is not important as Dos automatically changes them internally to upper case.

The #lbfilehandle is a word, phrase or number you assign to the open file. This is not the Windows file handle value, which is always a number and which is not accessible for LB disk commands. It is also not a variable as such but a label designating the handle you have assigned.

Trying to write to a file opened for Input generates an error message as does trying to read a file opened for Output. Trying to open a file that does not exist generates an error -- therefore if you are unsure it is worth testing to see if a file exists first.

If a file already exists and you open it for output, that file will be cleared. If the file does not exist, it is automatically created.

To close an open file use CLOSE #lbfilehandle.

To read data from an open Sequential file, use INPUT#, LINE INPUT# or INPUT$(). To write data use PRINT#.

Every line in a sequential file ends in two special characters:

a carriage-return (ASCII value of 13) then a line-feed (ASCII value of 10). LB's commands automatically deal with these characters.

INPUT#lbfilehandle, var1$, var2

This statement inputs data from a sequential file opened for reading into the variables listed. The variables listed should match those used in the PRINT# statement to write the data. More than one variable can be listed, separated by commas. The INPUT# statement interprets commas as separating multiple variables on the same line of data. A carriage-return / line-feed combination signifies the end of a line. INPUT# does not remove quotation marks around string variables, and it skips the end of line characters.

LINE INPUT#lbfilehandle, var$

This statement reads an entire line of text into a string variable including all characters. Reading is stopped when a carriage-return character is encountered. Line-feed characters (ASCII value 10) are ignored. All other characters are read, including commas and quotes.

PRINT#lbfilehandle, var1$ ; "," ; var2 ...

Print# is the main statement for writing sequential file data. The data is printed out to the file as text. If a semi-colon is omitted at the end of the PRINT# statement, then a carriage-return/line-feed combination is also automatically written to mark the end of the line. If the statement ends in a semi-colon the end-of-line marker is not written. Multiple variables can be listed, but each must be separated by a ;","; combination and not just a simple comma. In LB, PRINT# does not automatically put quotation marks around string variables. If you require this for your data to be in "comma-delimited format" then you must add these to the variable before printing to the file -- i.e. A$=CHR$(34)+"Data"+CHR$(34).

Here is an example that creates and then reads a simple sequential file:

A$="abc" 'This is the data to be written
OPEN "TEMP.TXT" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'The file Temp.Txt is opened for
' output using filehandle #1.
PRINT#1,A$;",";B$ 'The data is written to the line
CLOSE #1 'The file is closed
OPEN "TEMP.TXT" FOR INPUT AS #2 'Open the file for reading as #2
INPUT#2,A$,B$ 'Input the two variables
CLOSE #2 'Close the file
PRINT A$ 'Display the first variable
PRINT B$ 'Display the second variable

You should see abc for A$ and def for B$.

It is possible to add quote marks and commas to strings. However, using INPUT, LB will recognise the comma as separating two variables.

A$=CHR$(34)+"123,456"+CHR$(34) 'This is the data to be written;
' note the comma and quotes!!
OPEN "TEMP.TXT" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'The file Temp.Txt is opened for
' output using filehandle #1.
PRINT#1,A$ 'The data is written to the line
CLOSE #1 'The file is closed
OPEN "TEMP.TXT" FOR INPUT AS #2 'Open the file for reading as #2
INPUT#2,A$,B$ 'Input the two variables
CLOSE #2 'Close the file
PRINT A$ 'Display the first variable
PRINT B$ 'Display the second variable

In this example, A$ is read and displayed as "123. You'll see the quote mark at the start. In many other Basics, 123,456 would have been read into A$ without quotes around it. This is because other Basics interpret the quotation marks as surrounding one whole string. LB does not do this! If it sees a comma within a string, it stops reading into the variable.

The way to include commas is LINE INPUT#. If LINE INPUT#2,A$ were used instead of INPUT#2,A$,B$ above then the line "123,456" would be read, comma and all. A statement line LINE INPUT#2,A$,B$ reads two lines.

LB cannot read data from sequential files directly into an array. Instead, you have to read into a simple variable then assign it to the array. If your file were to contain the numbers from 1 to 10, one number per line, the following could be used to read it:

DIM a$(10) 'allocate space for the array
OPEN "testfile.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1 'open the file
FOR counter=1 TO 10 'could through each line
LINE INPUT#1,temp$ 'input a line into a temp variable
a$(counter)=temp$ 'assign to the array element
NEXT counter 'end of the loop
CLOSE #1 'close the file

There is one other input statement used in LB: INPUT$. This is a function that reads a specified number of characters into a string.

Example: a$=INPUT$(#1,50) would read 50 characters and assign them to a$. LB reads the entire length specified regardless of the characters found! INPUT$ therefore transcends typical Sequential file statements and crosses over into the Binary file, where there may be no set structure to the data.


LB contains the function EOF(#filehandle) to detect when the end of a file has been reached. It is used in situations where the length of a file or its structure may not be known. EOF returns either a 0 (false) if the end of file has not been reached, or a -1 (true) if it has. In the example above, if we didn't know how many numbers were in the file we could have used:

DIM a$(100) 'allocate space for the array
OPEN "testfile.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1 'open the file
counter=0 'initialize the counter
WHILE EOF(#1)=0 'loop until end of file found
LINE INPUT#1,temp$ 'input line into a temp variable
counter=counter+1 'increment the array pointer
a$(counter)=temp$ 'assign to the array element
WEND 'end of the loop
CLOSE #1 'close the file

In this case the variable 'counter' holds the number of entries read into the array.


The LOF(#filehandle) function returns the length of the open file in bytes. This can be handy if you don't know the size of a file and want to read the whole thing using INPUT$ into one string variable:

OPEN "testfile.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1 'open the file
a$=INPUT$(#1,LOF(#1)) 'read whole file!
CLOSE #1 'close the file

Because LB strings can be megabytes in size, really large files can be read this way. Parts of the file can then be examined using the MID$() string function. Of course, because the whole file is within one string variable, you'll have to work out your own way of breaking the parts up.


As stated previously, Random Access files use a "record" structure where the entire file is divided into many records. Each record has the same length -- i.e. is the same number of bytes long. Each record is also subdivided into "fields", each one of which is a given length. These are called fixed-length fields and records. Variable-length record files are possible but their complex structure is beyond the scope of these articles.

OPEN "filename" FOR RANDOM AS #lbfilehandle LEN=value

This variant of OPEN is used for opening random access files. RANDOM means it is a random type file that can be either read or written to (using the same OPEN). Note the LEN=statement at the end, which specifies the length of each record.

FIELD#filehandle,length AS var$ , ...

The fields in a random file are set up using the FIELD# statement. Each field has a variable name and specified length. As an example, let's say that we want to keep a simple database about a collection of books. The fields we want might include Title, Authors, Series, Comments and the number of pages.

OPEN "books.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN=425
100 AS Title$,_
60 AS Authors$,_
60 AS Series$,_
200 AS Comments$,_
5 AS Pages

The value after LEN= is 100 + 60 + 60 + 200 + 5 or the total length of all the fields in FIELD#. Field# always follows the OPEN random file statement and must be used before GET# or PUT#. Note that for the numeric variable Pages, the space necessary to store the number of digits in the largest number we expect to have is reserved. LB stores numeric variables as text rather than in IEEE, BCD, MBF or other formats used by other languages. These format store numbers in native 'machine format'. An integer, for example, is a number between -32767 and +32767 and is stored as only 2 bytes instead of 6. This avoids having to use MKI, CVI, etc. as is needed in Quick Basic.


This statement writes the data held in the variables listed in FIELD# to the specified record number. The first record number in a LB random file is 1 (not 0). If the length of a given field is shorter than what is specified, LB adds blank spaces to fill it out. If the length is larger, LB truncates the string. This is automatic 'left justification' and is a real advantage over Basic, where you must use LSET or RSET to justify the data before using PUT.


The GET# statement reads an entire record and fills the variables listed in FIELD#. The same list of variables should be in GET# that is in the PUT# which was used to create the record.


GET# above reads each field 'as is' including blank spaces at the end of each field. GETTRIM removes leading and trailing blank spaces around each variable listed in FIELD#. This is something unique to LB and is very handy.

Basically that is the gist of random access files using LB's commands. Here is a short example that creates two records.

OPEN "TEMP.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN=15 'open file
FIELD#1,10 AS A$,5 AS B$ 'set up fields
A$="123" : B$="456" 'data for first record
PUT#1,1 'write the record
A$="789" : B$="ABC" 'data for second record
PUT#1,2 'write the record
CLOSE #1 'close the file
OPEN "TEMP.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #2 LEN=15 'open file
FIELD#2,10 AS A$,10 AS B$ 'set up fields
GET#2,1 'read first record
PRINT A$ 'show fields
GET#2,2 'read second record
PRINT A$ 'show fields
CLOSE #2 'close file


LB's file commands are very useful and easy to use but do have a few limitations.

Using the API file functions can overcome some of these limitations. Deanslib.Dll functions can be used to overcome others.

Newsletter compiled and edited by: Brosco and Alyce.

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