Liberty BASIC Help Online

Image colordialog1.GIF
COLORDIALOG  color$, chosen$
This command displays the Windows Common Color Dialog to allow a user to select a color.  It returns the red, green, and blue components of the color chosen, plus the Liberty BASIC name, if it happens to correlate to one of the 16 named LB colors.
This is a string containing the starting color for the dialog.  It can be an empty string, but it must be included.  It may be in one of two forms.  It can be a named Liberty BASIC color, or a string containing the red, green, blue values of the desired color with which to seed the colordialog.
When the dialog is closed, this variable contains the color chosen by the user. 
colordialog "red", chosen$
print "Color chosen is ";chosen$
colordialog "255 0 0", chosen$
print "Color chosen is ";chosen$
Red, green and blue values must each be in the range of 0 to 255.  0 is the absence of a color, and 255 is total saturation. 
After the dialog closes, the receiver variable contains the red, green, blue values for the color chosen by the user.  If these values correlate to a named Liberty BASIC color, that color name will be appended to the returned string.
'Returned string: RGB and name for a named color
255 255 0 yellow
'Returned string: RGB only for a non-named color:
250 230 190
Full Opening of Dialog
The colordialog opens a small dialog with a grid of typical colors displayed.  The user can choose to click the "Define Custom Colors" button to open a full RGB color spectrum from which to choose.  The full dialog looks like this:
Image colordialog2.GIF

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