INPUTTO Demonstration Programs

© 2003, Brad Moore

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INPUTTO Revisited

The Liberty Basic command INPUTTO is very a powerful but often under utilized command. I saw it was highlighted in a Tip Corner of an earlier newsletter issue and here it is exploited in a simple demo.

The Liberty Basic help file explains the INPUTTO command this way:

INPUTTO$(#handle, delim$))

This function reads from the file #handle up to the character specified in delim$ or to the end of the line, whichever comes first. This is handy for reading files which contain comma, tab, pipe, or other delimited items.

'display each comma delimited item in a file on its own line

open "inputto test.txt" for input as #test

while eof(#test) = 0

print inputto$(#test, ",")


close #test

For the purpose of this demo, we will need to create a data file which we will be using INPUTTO to read. The following short Liberty Basic program will create the data file. Copy the code from the article and paste it into a new Liberty Basic document. Save the program and then run it.

'Create Ukraine Data file
'The following code creates a simple sequentual data file
'by Brad Moore - placed in public domain 2003
'written for Liberty Basic 3.x

'Tell the user what we are going to do
Print "Creating data file..."

'open a file to write to
open "ukraine.dat" for output as #1
'write a heading out to the file and number of data elements

print #1, "Agriculture, 26, ";
'read the data elements and write out to the file
for x = 1 to 26
   read a$
   print #1, a$;", ";
next x

'write a heading out to the file and number of data elements
print #1, ""
print #1, "Industries, 26, ";
'read the data elements and write out to the file
for x = 1 to 26
   read a$
   print #1, a$;", ";
next x

'write a heading out to the file and number of data elements
print #1, ""
print #1, "Natural Resources, 23, ";
'read the data elements and write out to the file
for x = 1 to 23
   read a$
   print #1, a$;", ";
next x

'close the file
close #1
'tell the user we are done
print "Data file complete."

'Resource and products of the Ukraine
data wheat, rye, barley, oats, hops, corn, flax, vegetables, "sugar beets", potatoes, orchards
data vineyards, sunflower, tobacco, hemp, cotton
data Cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, fishing, "bee keeping", silkworms
data Aircraft, "aerospace technology", shipping, "public transport vehicles", locomotives, turbines
data tractors, "food-processing", excavators, mining, "heavy machinery", "machine tools", "electric power"
data "electronic equipment", computers, appliances, "ferrous metals", "non ferrous metals", "cast iron", steel
data "rolled metal", piping, chemicals, textiles, leather, "consumer goods"
'Natural Resources
data coal, oil, "natural gas", "iron ore", manganese, titanium, uranium, bauxite, graphite, salt, potash
data potassium, kaolin, sulphur, magnesium, mercury, nickel, gold, garnet, opal, diamonds
data "Hydro-electric energy", forestry

Next is a very simple example file that demonstrates INPUTTO in its very simplest form. You can copy and paste this into Liberty Basic as well and run it.

    open "ukraine.dat" for input as #1
    while eof(#1) = 0
        a$ = inputto$(#1,",")
        print a$
    'close the input file
    close #1

Finally, here is a GUI based demonstration that shows several neat tricks. Amoung them is the implementation of a Status Bar (courtesy of Alyce Watson) and also descrete timing to the millisecond courtesy of the following code:

    t = time$("ms")
    while time$("ms") < t+100
       'just wait here for a few milliseconds

This is very useful code to forcing a pause for a specific period of time, and not needing to depend on knowing just how fast the users PC is running.

Here is the code for the entire program. I recommend playing around a little with it. This is the best way to learn. Have fun:

'ExploreUkraine - a fun little program demonstrating INPUTTO$ command
'by Brad Moore - copyright 2003
'You are free to use this anyway you would like. It is not good UI design,
'so I recommend using it as a learning tool only.  Read the article that
'accompanies this program at
'This program was written with LibertyWorkshop.  Portions of this code
'are copyright 2002, 2003 by Alyce Watson.  
'Find out more about LibertyWorkshop at
'written for Liberty Basic v.3.x
'For more about Liberty Basic at

    Res$(1) = "Agriculture"
    Res$(2) = "Industries"
    Res$(3) = "Natural Resources"
    dim List$(100)
    List$(1) = "Click Reload to see data"

    WindowWidth = 437 : WindowHeight = 467
    UpperLeftX = INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)
    UpperLeftY = INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)


groupbox    #main.gpbx, "Resources", 10, 0, 275, 410
button      #main.reload, "Reload Data",[reload],UL, 300, 340, 115, 30
button      #main.close, "Close",[quit],UL, 300, 380, 115, 30
listbox     #main.lstbx, List$(,[lstbx], 25, 55, 245, 340
combobox    #main.ResType,Res$(,[ResType], 25, 25, 245, 300

Open "Resources of the Ukraine" for Window_nf as #main

    #main "trapclose [quit]"
    #main "font ms_sans_serif 10"
    #main.ResType "select ";Res$(1) 
    key$ = Res$(1)

    '** Change statusbar message at any time with sub ChangeStatusText
    hBar = MakeStatusBar(HWND(#main), "StatusBar")

    print #main, "resizehandler [ResizeStatus]"

    close #main : END

    'place code here
    open "ukraine.dat" for input as #1
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 0, "Data Read Status: Reading"
    MakeStatusBar = hBar
    while eof(#1) = 0
       gosub [getdatapoint]
       if a$ = key$ then
          'get the next data element - total data points
          gosub [getdatapoint]
          a = val(a$)
          'now read in the data points
          for x = 1 to a
             gosub [getdatapoint]
             List$(x) = a$
          next x
          'we are done - we can exit the while loop...
          exit while
       end if
    'close the input file
    close #1
    'now reset the status bar text
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 0, "Data Read Status: Idle"
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 1, "Data: None"
    MakeStatusBar = hBar
    'now reload the listbox
    #main.lstbx "reload"
    goto [loop]
    t = time$("ms")
    a$ = inputto$(#1,",")
    statusText$ = "Data: "+a$
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 1, statusText$
    while time$("ms") < t+100
       'just wait here for a few milliseconds

    print #main.lstbx, "selection? selected$"
    notice "You clicked " + selected$
    goto [loop]

    print #main.ResType, "selection? selected$"
    'make sure the selection is not user entered...
    for x = 1 to 3
       if selected$ = Res$(x) then exit for
    next x
    'x will be 4 if we fall through the loop without exiting...
    if x = 4 then 
       notice "Choose only items in the list, do not add items.  Thanks..."
       #main.ResType "reload"
       #main.ResType "select ";Res$(1) 
       goto [loop]
    end if
    key$ = selected$
    'change the list displayed
    redim List$(100)
    List$(1) = "Click Reload to see data"
    #main.lstbx "reload"
    goto [loop]

[ResizeStatus] 'resize status bar when window is resized
    SB.SETPARTS = 1028
    struct prt,edge1 as long,edge2 as long
    'change measurements below as needed:
    sizePanel = Int(WindowWidth/2) 'divide WindowWidth by number of panels
    prt.edge1.struct = 1 * sizePanel
    prt.edge2.struct = -1
    numParts = 2
    calldll #user32,  "SendMessageA", hStatus as long, SB.SETPARTS as long, numParts As Long, prt As struct, r As Long
    calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hStatus as long, _WM_SIZE as long, 0 as long, WindowWidth as long, re as long
    goto [loop]

FUNCTION MakeStatusBar(hWin, caption$)
    style = _WS_VISIBLE or _WS_CHILD
    calldll #comctl32,"InitCommonControls", re as void
    calldll #comctl32,"CreateStatusWindow", style as long, caption$ as ptr, hWin as long, 22 as long, hBar as long
    SB.SETPARTS = 1028
    struct prt,edge1 as long,edge2 as long
    'change measurements below as needed:
    prt.edge1.struct = 150
    prt.edge2.struct = -1
    numParts = 2
    calldll #user32,  "SendMessageA", hBar as long, SB.SETPARTS as long, numParts As Long, prt As struct, r As Long

    '** Replace text in following lines with desired captions for panels:
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 0, "Data Read Status: Idle"
    Call ChangeStatusText hBar, 1, "Data: None"
    MakeStatusBar = hBar

SUB ChangeStatusText hBar, panelID, newText$
    'use this sub to update captions on statusbar
    SB.SETTEXT = 1025
    calldll #user32, "SendMessageA", hBar as long, SB.SETTEXT as long, panelID as long, newText$ as ptr, re as long


Password Textbox API

Character Replacement

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Chase Button

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