Multi-Coloured Text Input Boxes using a DLL (Revisited)
by Ray Fisher


Two Years Ago in LBNews
Effective GUI Design
Alternative to Graphics Printing
Liberty Basic Simple Help
New LB Programming Contest
Debugging by Simulating Breakpoints
Multi-Coloured Text Input Boxes

Following a short article in the November Newsletter, I have been asked if there was any other way to assign colours to the DLL, other than with HEX values. I have developed another function which will accept RED, GREEN and BLUE values. This function has been added to v02 of the DLL. The two functions are now called:


The syntax is:

open "rmfDLLv02.dll" for dll as #rmfdll

calldll #rmfdll, "InputBoxHEX", _
  handle    as long, _ ' handle of parent window
  inkHex$   as ptr, _  ' ink colour
  paperHex$ as ptr, _  ' paper colour
  x         as long, _ ' x co-ord
  y         as long, _ ' y co-ord
  w         as long, _ ' width
  h         as long, _ ' height
  max       as long, _ ' max chars
  hTB       as long    ' returns a handle to the new control

calldll #rmfdll, "InputBoxRGB", _
  h      as long, _ ' handle of parent window
  inkR   as long, _ ' ink red
  inkG   as long, _ ' ink green
  inkB   as long, _ ' ink blue
  paperR as long, _ ' paper red
  paperG as long, _ ' paper green
  paperB as long, _ ' paper blue
  x      as long, _ ' x co-ord
  y      as long, _ ' y co-ord
  w      as long, _ ' width
  h      as long, _ ' height
  max    as long, _ ' max chars
  hTB    as long    ' returns a handle to the new control

close #rmfdll

The HEX strings can be any valid HEX value as shown in the test programme. The ink and paper parameters can be any value between 0 and 255.

I have also been asked if there is a list of hex numbers and corresponding color names. Liberty BASIC only recognises sixteen predefined colour names that can be used with the three COLOR commands. Most browsers recognise a total of 140 predefined colour names. To help use these 140 colour names from within Liberty BASIC, I have developed a small LB utility that will display all thes colours. Any colours that are required in an LB programme can then be defined within that programme and used in the same way as RED, GREEN and BLUE numerical values are already be used.

The files that I have included are:
rmfDLLv02.dll - DLL
rmfDLLv02.c - DLL source code
aboutrmfDLLv02.txt - Explanation file
testDLLv02.bas - Tests the DLL
colours.bas - Utility to show all 140 colour
- names and their HEX and R/G/B values
colour_names_demo.bas - Shows how to use the colour names
colour_data.txt - Any colour name and its R/G/B value
- can easily be copied from here to
- an LB programme.

These files can be copied and modified at will.


Two Years Ago in LBNews
Effective GUI Design
Alternative to Graphics Printing
Liberty Basic Simple Help
New LB Programming Contest
Debugging by Simulating Breakpoints
Multi-Coloured Text Input Boxes