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IF test expression THEN expression(s)
IF test expression THEN expression(s)1 ELSE expression(s)2
IF test expression THEN
IF test expression THEN
The IF...THEN statement provides a way to change program flow based on a test expression.  For example, the following line directs program execution to branch label [soundAlarm] if fuel runs low.
if fuel < 5 then [soundAlarm]
Another way to control program flow is to use the IF...THEN...ELSE statement.  This extended form of IF...THEN adds expressiveness and simplifies coding of some logical decision-making software.  Here is an example of its usefulness.
  input "Please choose mode, (N)ovice or e(X)pert?"; mode$
  if len(mode$) = 0 then print "Invalid entry! Retry" : goto [retry]
  mode$ = left$(mode$, 1)
  if instr("NnXx", mode$) = 0 then print "Invalid entry! Retry" : goto [retry]
  if instr("Nn", mode$) > 0 then print "Novice mode" : goto [main]
  print "eXpert mode"
  print "Main Selection Menu"
The conditional lines can be shortened to one line as follows:
if instr("Nn",mode$)> 0 then print "Novice mode" else print "eXpert mode"
Some permitted forms are as follows:
  if a < b then statement else statement
  if a < b then [label] else statement
  if a < b then statement else [label]
  if a < b then statement : statement else statement
  if a < b then statement else statement : statement
  if a < b then statement : goto [label] else statement
  if a < b then gosub [label1] else gosub [label2]
Any number of variations on these formats are permissible.  The (a < b) BOOLEAN expression is of course only a simple example chosen for convenience.  It must be replaced with the correct expression to suit the problem.
IF...THEN...END IF is another form using what are called conditional blocks.  This allows great control over the flow of program decision making.  Here is an example of code using blocks.
    if qtySubdirs = 0 then
        print "None."
        goto [noSubs]
    end if
A block is merely one or more lines of code that are executed as a result of a conditional test.  There is one block in the example above, and it is executed  if qtySubdirs = 0.
It is also possible to use the ELSE keyword as well with blocks:
    if qtySubdirs = 0 then
        print "None."
        print "Count of subdirectories: "; qtySubdirs
    end if
This type of coding is easy to read and understand.  There are two blocks in this example.  One is executed  if qtySubdirs = 0, and one is executed if qtySubdirs is not equal to 0.  Only one of the two blocks will be executed (never both as a result of the same test).
These conditional blocks can be nested inside each other:
    if verbose = 1 then
        if qtySubdirs = 0 then
            print "None."
            print "Count of subdirectories: "; qtySubdirs
        end if
    end if
In the example above, if the verbose flag is set to 1 (true), then display something, or else skip the display code entirely.
See also:  Select Case, Conditional Statements, Boolean Evaluations

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