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Command Reference T-Z
Commands and Keywords
TAB( n ) cause tabular printing in mainwin
Text Commandsa detailed summary of text window commands in Liberty BASIC
TEXTBOXadd a textbox (entryfield) to a window
TIMERmanage a Windows timer
TITLEBARsets the title bar of the main window
"turn"graphics command to reset drawing direction
ULONGdata type for calldll and structs
"up"graphics command to lift pen
USHORTdata type for calldll and structs
UpperLeftXspecifies the x part of the position where the next window will open
UpperLeftY specifies the y part of the position where the next window will open
Version$special variable containing LB version info
Voiddata type for CALLDLL
WAITstop and wait for user interaction
"when"graphics command to trap mouse and keyboard events
WindowWidthspecifies the width of the next window to open
WORDdata type for calldll and structs
XORlogical and bitwise XOR operator
Command Reference:
Copyright (C) 2003 Shoptalk Systems
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